Jason Morgan new hotel manager

Meet The Team

We are a family owned, independent hotel and we like to replicate family values and hospitality throughout the hotel. We have a relatively small team who we believe are the lynchpin to providing an enjoyable hotel stay in Shropshire. You’ll notice that they enjoy what they do; they’re attentive without being obtrusive and professional without being unapproachable.

Unfortunately, you don’t get to meet all of the hotel’s team; our housekeeping staff, kitchen porters and chefs work behind the scenes, but they’re very much at the forefront of ensuring you receive the very best care and hospitality.

Interested in a career in hospitality? We nurture and help employees realise their potential and offer a rewarding career. Where possible, we try to offer flexibility but most roles require working at weekends and in the evening. Pop over to our careers page for details of the latest vacancies. Alternatively, email your CV to:

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